November 27, 2014


I am thankful for many things this year, 
but mostly the moments spent around the table.

Whether it is just the four of us, 
(Todd across from me, Elias on the left, Chloe on the right), 
our extended family, or our true friends, 
the moments around the table make me most thankful.

Thankful for the people that share them with us, 
thankful for love, 
thankful for friendships, 
thankful for laughter,
thankful for good food and drink, 
thankful for comfortable shelter, 
thankful for our health. 

There are people we wish could still be sitting with us around these tables, but we are thankful that our lives are richer because of them.
They are not close enough, but never truly gone.
They are in our hearts, and with us as we break bread. 
We are thankful for them.

Here are a few blessings for our table;
All an appropriate length to make our guests uncomfortable, and make them think you are an asshole for making them sing for their supper.

From our table to yours, 
we hope you all have a beautiful, delicious, thankful day.

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